

The most recent Ferndale Moves! Plan was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission (April 21, 2021) and adopted by City Council on April 26, 2021. Based on feedback over the past 10 months, the plan outlines the Future of Mobility in Ferndale as defined by the community with four goals: Environment, Community, Equity, and Regional Mobility. The plan includes information about the current state of mobility today in Ferndale, a summary of community outreach, multimodal transportation methods, a 5 year implementation plan, as well as key priority projects.

Review the Ferndale Moves Online Plan HERE.
Review the Ferndale Moves Plan Appendices HERE, including
  • Complete Project List HERE.
  • Project Prioritization Method HERE.
  • 5 Year Project List HERE.
  • 5 Year Program/Policy List HERE.

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